I2O is the key enabler for I/O on IA-64 platforms. Develop your I2O driver today and it will run in IA-64 platforms at first release. Since the HDM is running on another processor and is compatible with the I2O message passing interface, it will function as soon as the OSM is ported to IA-64.
Intel's I2O Web Site with I2Odetailed Information
Industry Status
I2O® technology is evolving the concept of intelligent I/O by providing an industry-accepted specification for the development of intelligent I/O solutions. The two primary objectives of the I2O specification are to improve system-level performance by off-loading the host CPU of I/O tasks, and to enable the general portability of I/O device drivers across operating systems. The I2O Architecture is a software specification that provides a standardized framework for the implementation of intelligent I/O subsystems. The concept of intelligent I/O was first introduced in mainframe systems to balance the I/O and compute power of the platform. Special "channel processors" were used to control I/O-specific tasks in these proprietary solutions.
The I2O specification replaces the standard monolithic device driver with a two-piece driver model composed of the Hardware Device Module (HDM) and the OS Service Module (OSM). The HDM runs on the I/O processor (IOP) and serves as the interface to the target I/O device. The OSM runs on the host processor and serves as the interface to the host operating system. OSMs are developed for each I/O class defined by the specification, and are unique to each operating system. The HDM and OSM communicate over a messaging layer using a defined message-passing protocol. This de-couples both the underlying bus or interconnect topology and the HDM of the I/O device from the host OS. For a given device, a single HDM can be developed and used with any OS supporting the I2O Specification. This model also provides the capability for direct communication between HDMs, thereby laying the foundation for peer-to-peer data transfers. In addition, it allows for stackable drivers, providing the capability to add functionality to standard devices, e.g. adding a third party's RAID firmware to any SCSI device driver.

I2O technology delivers improved system throughput as a result of incorporating an I/O processor that off-loads the host CPU of substantial I/O tasks. In addition, the I2O technology is an essential part of increasing scalability in standard, high-volume (SHV) servers. The ultimate goal of scalable platforms is to provide unlimited ability to expand system resources and still produce proportionally greater performance. Once achieved, a scalable environment is clearly a big win for the IT community.
Another key benefit is the interoperability that I2O technology provides. The split driver functionality of I2O technology will simplify the task of integrating systems and managing the complex environments with multiple Oss and I/O technologies that are typically found in an enterprise.

The I2O Specification also brings the benefit of accelerating adoption of new I/O technologies, e.g. ATM, Fast Ethernet and Fiber Channel. By reducing the effort required to develop and maintain device drivers, more resources can be applied to I/O innovation. In addition, less time is spent by OEMs and IT departments testing and validating the multitude of peripheral cards and drivers that are certified with any given platform. Once an HDM is validated to communicate properly with the messaging layer, it is then expected to work with all future versions of any OS that complies with the I2O specification.

The I2O Special Interest Group (I2O SIG) announced today its fifth plugfest event hosted by Novell, Inc. of Provo, Utah. The three day event held February 23-25 drew twenty-four I2O SIG member companies including Adaptec Corp., AMI, Applied Microsystems Corp., Award Software, BMC Software, Compaq Computer Corp., Digital Semiconductor, DPT, Hewlett-Packard Company, Integrated Systems Inc., Intel Corp., Microsoft Corp., Mylex Corp., NCR, NetFrame, Novell Inc., PLX Technology, SCO, Siemens Nixdorf, SunSoft Inc., Symbios, Syskonnect, Unisys and Wind River Systems.
The I2O plugfests are an excellent opportunity for system vendors, OSVs, IHVs and ISVs to congregate and test their I2O-ready products under many different environments and configurations. The I2O SIG promotes and coordinates the plugfest events to help vendors verify product interoperability.
Interoperability is a critical adoption factor with any industry standard, so it's gratifying to see the broad-based support from our membership. The on-going commitment to these plugfests directly translates into higher levels of end user satisfaction for I2O technology," said Harry Mason, strategic marketing director at Symbios and chair of the I2O SIG steering committee.
Since the first plugfest in December 1996, the I2O SIG has continued its efforts to promote interoperability among I2O technology and solutions. Plugfest events continue to be an important activity to aid vendors in their I2O product development. I2O technology can be leveraged as a standard way to expand server scalability that enables businesses to add more users or applications to a server and meet their increased computing demands.
At COMDEX '97 there were 22 vendors showing products and technology based on the I2O specification. The products included servers, storage adapters, LAN cards, RAID solutions, management software and development tools. Member companies are committed to proliferating the benefits of I2O technology and are working together to ensure compliance as well as scalability.
Intel and other industry IA server vendors announced products supporting the I2O specification at the October '97 Networld + Interop. The announcements included servers with I2O technology and Intel i960® I/O processors for shipment during Q1 '98 based on Intel Pentium® II and Pentium® Pro processors. These server systems vendors include: Acer America Corp.*, AST Computer*, Compaq Computer Corp.*, Dell Computer Corp.*, Gateway 2000*, Hewlett-Packard Co.*, IBM Corp.*, Micron Electronics, Inc.*, Mitsubishi Electric PC Division*, NEC Computer Systems Division*, and NCR*.
The development of the I2O specification is an industry-wide initiative led by the I2O Special Interest Group (SIG). Originally established in January of 1996 by a group of computer industry vendors (including Intel), it now has an active membership of over 130 companies. For more information on the I2O Specification, SIG membership, access to the specification, or developments as an industry initiative, visit the I2O SIG* web site
Since the inception of the I2O SIG in early 1996, membership in the SIG and product announcements have grown at a significant rate. The industry saw the first demonstrations of I2O technology at Fall COMDEX '96. Intel has played and is continuing to play a major role in the I2O initiative, providing I2O technology building blocks. These solutions include highly integrated I/O Processors (featuring an I2O technology messaging unit, PCI-PCI bridge and embedded CPU based on the i960 processor) and server platforms featuring I2O technology solutions

If you're involved in I/O hardware or software development, join the I2O SIG and start investing in the technology that your customers will require. The I2O Specification is available through the I2O SIG web site, which also provides information on how to become a SIG member and gain access to the ongoing forums that provide invaluable guidance for your product development decisions.
If you are an IT manager or system administrator, familiarize yourself and your team with the concepts of the I2O technology and consult with your equipment providers about how they plan to implement I2O technology solutions in their coming products. The vendors who announced products at the October '97 Networld + Interop will be shipping products by Q1 '98 (see press release. The I2O SIG web site also contains interesting content for non-developers, including vendor announcements, SIG events and industry developments.

I2O® White Paper by Aberdeen Group Available for Download Today
Increasing Competitive Advantage with products based on I2O® technology; Read the Top Story from BMC Software's Vice President of Application Management Products, Kirill Tatarinov. He discusses the architecture of BMC's PATROL software, its impact to I2O® technology and opportunities for server systems suppliers and IHVs.
Visit Intel's I2O web site targeted at IT managers with detailed information on I2O technology.
Visit Intel's Intelligent I/O Processor web site for developers including information on Intel's i960 RP I/O processor.
Visit the I2O Industry SIG web site.
* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation